Kair iECO4 Heat Recovery Ventilator K-HRVIECO4
Energy Efficient Continuous Heat Recovery For Healthy Air In Kitchens, Bathrooms, Utility Rooms, Living Rooms, Lavatories, Washrooms, Conservatories, Offices And Bedrooms
Product Features
- Meets IEE, SELV and Building Regulation Appendix Q requirements
- Up to 92% Heat Recovery
- Easy to install
- Whisper quiet Continuous running trickle ventilation
- Humidity sensor (preset or adjustable)
- Low running costs
- Balanced airflow (input and extract)
- Energy savings – differential payback within 4 years against conventional extractor fans
- Security ventilation™ (no need to open windows)
- Health benefit – Produces dramatic improvements of indoor air quality
General Product Information
This High Efficiency whole dwelling heat recovery unit is ideal for retro-fit and all new build dwellings – especially those being built to a higher standard of air-tightness.
Available in 4 variations:
APWD: For apartment/half house, wired controller
APRF: For apartment/half house, wireless controller
WHWD: For whole house, wired controller
WHRF: Foe whole house, wireless controller
The IECO4 is a high efficiency heat recovery unit. It has a sophisticated counter-flow heat exchanger which can recover up to 91% of the heat from the discharge air. This recovered heat is used to pre-heat the fresh air being brought in from outside.
- Up to 91% Heat Recovery
- SAP Appendix Q Rated
- Ultra-low 25kg weight
- Inlet/Exhaust Capacity 225 – 325m3/h @ 150Pa
- Integrated Frost Protection
- Suitable for mounting in a loft, storage cupboard or airing cupboard
Ventilation is necessary to maintain a healthy and comfortable internal environment and to rapidly remove pollutants such as moisture, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), allergens such as dust, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, tobacco smoke and unpleasant odours.
Moisture is generally assumed to be the most significant of these pollutants because of the high rates of generation from cooking, bathing, washing, drying etc and the consequential condensation and mould growth problems. It follows that if the ventilation strategy is based on controlling this principle pollutant by heat recovery input / extract ventilation then logically the other indoor pollutants will also be adequately controlled.
Stale air, and air which is hot or humid, should be replaced at a reasonable rate.
Good ventilation means providing a balance between energy efficient and healthy indoor air best summed up by the catchphrase ‘Build tight – ventilate right’.
The fresh air supply rate should not normally fall below 5 to 8 l/s per occupant. This is best achieved by creating continuous air changes of 0.5 to 1.0 every hour, throughout the entire dwelling as specified in D.E.T.R. Good Practice Note 268.
Although Building Regulations relate to new buildings, the guidance on ventilation is applicable to existing dwellings and, most important of all, the regulations are concerned with minimising the risk to health from the build up of pollutants. KHRVIECO4 helps to satisfy all of these criteria.